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ADHD Europe – meeting in Finland 2023
april 29, 2023 - april 30, 2023

The ADHD Europe Board would most appreciate it, if you can please complete this form so that we know if you are joining us in Finland or will join online (Hybrid)? Attached is the programme and information that was sent to all members on the 2nd December 2022. We will be emailing more information about the board positions that are open etc to you as soon as we can.
For the members joining us in Finland
- We will send more information soon about the logistics about meals, lunches etc plans for members who will join us in Finland 29-30 April 2023.
- Reminder to book your hotel before the deadline 30th January 2023. Prices will change after this date (info below).
- To travel to Finland will be cheaper if you plan your journey/flights soon, so prices do not affect your budget too much.
- Full link to form to please complete https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yyOBFcDFQU6RUtPW_JF2eScNzLExDr1Kr4uJbEgHHyVUMkNUSTlaWEMyVlhNTDkwT1Y2QzdLWVZTVC4u
We are happy to invite you to ADHD Europe upcoming member event scheduled over two days, 29-30 April 2023 in Helsinki, Finland and online. ADHD Liitto, our hosts in Finland and the board of ADHD Europe have an exciting programme planned for both online participants and for members who wish to travel to Finland.
All the information is below and attached. We hope to send you the meal, coffee breaks etc pricing information shortly. More info to follow.
Our Annual General Meeting & planned programme will take place at Eurooppasali (Address, Malminkatu 16, weblink). Accommodation will be located at Hotel Arthur, Vuorikatu https://www.hotelarthur.fi/en/ .
We will inform all members in 2023 about open board positions and an opportunity for organizational members to forward proposals for items you wish to add to the Agenda of the upcoming AGM in 2023.
Prior to booking your flights and accommodation, we suggest you check your insurance in case of cancellations.
These costs include breakfast and the use of the hotel facilities at no extra charge. The accommodation costs at the hotel per night are 100€ single room (1 person), 115€ single Twin/Double room (2 adults)
Terms and conditions and How to Book with a discount
Hotel rooms can be booked from now until March 2023, but our group booking can only be reserved until the 30th January 2023. After this date, rooms are subject to availability and is not guaranteed to be available.
For your hotel reservation, please contact myyntipalvelu@hotelarthur.fi or +358 9 1734 4200 and use code: ADHD-LIITTO who will follow you through the bookings and payment for your hotel rooms. For the questions you can also contact: vastaanotto@hotelarthur.fi + 358 9 173 441.
Meeting Room, Breaks & Dinner Information/Costs
The meeting room offers Wi-Fi, audio visual equipment, flipcharts, stationery etc. ADHD Europe shall cover the costs for one representative from each organisation for lunch/dinner/refreshment breaks. We will confirm prices of the lunches for Saturday, 29/04 & Sunday 30.04, dinner saturday 30/04 and the refreshment breaks during the two days at the conference venue. Alcohol costs will be at your own account from the hotel bar. Dinners/Lunches are optional to attend with the group bookings. More information to follow.
We are so looking forward to seeing you again, either in person or online!
Nina Hovén
Board Member