- Link between ADHD and Dementia
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- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
Tatja Hirvikoski , Associate Professor
- Profile
- Tatja Hirvikoski has a long-term experience of assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults.
She has previously developed and disseminated stepped care models for adults with ADHD. A core idea is to combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to meet each individual’s needs and to optimize effective and feasible care pathways.
Tatja Hirvikoski and her group has developed the PEGASUS psychoeducational groups for adults with ADHD and their significant others, designed as a first-line intervention to be combined with pharmacological treatment. She has also studied structured skills trainings groups for adults with ADHD in an outpatient psychiatric context.
Current research topics regard parents with own ADHD; how ADHD symptoms affect parental stress, how parents with ADHD perceive support and interventions in regular care, and development of a parent training program adjusted to the needs of parents with ADHD.
In our group we apply co-developer approch and appreciate the feedback, input and ideas we get from adults with ADHD. - Work Address
- Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Insitutet (KIND), Gävlegatan 22B:08, 11364 Stockholm, Sweden
- Affiliation
- Tatja Hirvikoski’s current clinical affiliation is at Habilitation & Health, Region Stockholm, where she has a position as Head of the Unit for Research, Development and Education. Her research affiliation is at Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet, KIND.
- Websites
- http://ki.se/people/tathir
- https://ki.se/en/kind/center-of-neurodevelopmental-disorders-at-karolinska-institutet-kind
- https://www.habilitering.se/