Web-Based Intervention for Teachers of Elementary Students With ADHD: Randomized Controlled Trial.

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Web-Based Intervention for Teachers of Elementary Students With ADHD: Randomized Controlled Trial.

J Atten Disord. 2019 02;23(3):257-269

Authors: Corkum P, Elik N, Blotnicky-Gallant PAC, McGonnell M, McGrath P

OBJECTIVE: To test the acceptability, satisfaction, and effectiveness of a web-based intervention for teachers of elementary school-aged children with ADHD.
METHOD: Elementary classroom teachers (N = 58), along with their students with ADHD, participated in a randomized controlled trial. The program consisted of six sessions that included evidence-based intervention strategies for reducing ADHD symptoms and impairment in the classroom setting. Teachers also had access to a moderated Discussion Board and an online ADHD coach. Questionnaire data were electronically collected from teachers and parents pre-intervention, post-intervention (6 weeks), and after an additional 6-week follow-up.
RESULTS: Intent-to-treat analyses found significant improvements based on teacher (but not parent) reports of core ADHD symptoms and impairment for the Teacher Help for ADHD treatment group. Teachers reported a high level of acceptability and satisfaction.
CONCLUSION: Web-based ADHD interventions have the potential to reduce the barriers to treatment utilization and implementation that are common problems for school-based ADHD interventions.

PMID: 26362259 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

via https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26362259?dopt=Abstract